Charles.X wrote:
You can try checking Program Files (x86)\LansweeperAgent\LsAgentlog.txt and Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt.
The errorlog should show if devices are being imported from the LsAgent cloud relay. LSAgentlog can be found on each computer that has LsAgent installed and will give feedback whether the data was sent to the cloud relay or not.
2019-01-21 12:19:49,776 [1] INFO Starting Lansweeper Agent Service
2019-01-21 12:19:49,819 [6] INFO === Service started ===
2019-01-22 08:48:40,196 [1] INFO Starting Lansweeper Agent Service
2019-01-22 08:48:40,632 [6] INFO === Service started ===
Errorlog.txt, este archivo no lo encuentro en la ruta indicada.