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02-13-2024 12:27 AM
Hi all! Happy new user here...at least until a little while ago 😕
After running as initial scan I realized a few Windows PCs that were scattered over different workgrops. While fixing that I also changed the names of some of them, including the sync server and now it's status is down. I can't find any way of changing the sync server.
I have a few errors in the error and sync_error logs but they're from an earlier point in time (only replaced network names with name).
Any suggestions very appreciated 🙂
2024-02-12 21:00:01,071 [workgroup\name\1] ERROR SaveCertificates: Error occurred saving Windows certificates.
System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: Entity of type "CertificateLocation" in state "Added" has caused a DbUpdateException.
SqlException Errors:
-> Number 2627: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ_tblCertificateLocations'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tblCertificateLocations'. The duplicate key value is (1, \\name\AuthRoot, LocalMachine, 1).
2024-02-12 21:51:09,179 [134] INFO LOGLANSWEEPERENTERPRISE ERROR [CloudConsumer] IpRangeScanningCredentialMapping: Error setting fields for id 0: Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'tsysIPRangeCredentials_iprangeid_credid_key'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tsysIPRangeCredentials'. The duplicate key value is (2, 10).
The statement has been terminated.
02-13-2024 09:45 PM
Will do 👍
02-13-2024 10:28 AM
Hello there!
May I suggest contacting our support team to look into this: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact/contact-support/
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