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Engaged Sweeper II

I have used lansweeper to scan our azure networks and it has been working great, but on a few linux hosts that used to have public IPs I have now changed them to another subnet. I can SSH from the lansweeper machine and ping etc. (they are on the same subnet even with no firewall on OS level).

The problem I had first was that the assets showed error: New scan found 1 MAC addresses, the existing record has 2. Check your SNMP and SSH connections.

I'm guessing the public IP attached to the servers had a mac address so when I removed it, it couldn't find it anymore.
So then I deleted the assets to rescan them. But now out of 4 VMs, it finds 2. 1 gives no error and gets scanned perfectly, the second shows the same error as before and the 2 other doesn't get scanned at all..

I'm really unsure how to troubleshoot this, I rescan the subnet with IP address scan with ssh account that has the correct rights etc. But still this issue persists.

Anyone know what I can check to make this work?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Update on this issue.

After some troubleshooting, it seemed the issue was that all of the Linux assets shared a generic MAC address. Since Linux assets are uniquely identified by their MAC address, Lansweeper thought all 4 assets were the same and kept merging the assets during scans.

By blacklisting the generic MAC address from being used as an identifier, all assets were scanned. You can blacklist a generic MAC address by doing the following:
  • Just to be safe, I do recommend performing a database backup prior to running any scripts. Backup instructions can be found here: http://www.lansweeper.com/kb/94/backing-up-your-installation.html
  • Afterwards open DatabaseMaintenance.exe which can be found under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Tools on your Lansweeper server or SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Copy/paste the script below and modify the highlighted code with the MAC address causing the issue, click Execute.
    If you found multiple duplicate MAC addresses you can modify and run the script multiple times, once for each MAC address. Asset merging is usually caused by a single MAC address though.
INSERT INTO tsysMacBlacklist (Mac, Comment) VALUES ('AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF', 'Generic MAC')
UPDATE tsysupdate SET MacBlacklist = GETDATE()
Engaged Sweeper II
Ok thank you that solves my issue on that server, but shouldn't it also work to delete the asset and just rescan it?

Because we still have 3 servers that doesn't get scanned for some unknown reason. It just doesn't seem to find the server when it scans the subnet.

Now I can see another windows server that is not scanned either on the same subnet.

So we have an azure subnet (where the lansweeper server is located). With no firewalls either application/hardware/OS firewalls.

But we still have 3 linux machines and 1 windows that doesn't get scanned, they don't show up with any error or anything.


Now I just did a rescan on the subnet manually, and it removed the server it found before (with 2 NICs). So that asset doesn't exist at all anymore. But it found another Linux machine that was moved. But that one also gives the same error with 2 mac adresses while it only has one because we removed the public interface.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
The error "New scan found 1 MAC addresses, the existing record has 2. Check your SNMP and SSH connections." Basically just means that Lansweeper detected that a MAC address was removed from the device. Which it sees as a possible problem with the connection.

To remove the error you can blacklist the MAC address causing the issue. To do this you can do a test with devicetester.exe, which can be found in Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions on your Lansweeper server. Perform the test from your Lansweeper server to the problem machine, submit any relevant credentials.

By comparing the MAC address scanned and the two MAC addresses on your asset page, you can find the MAC address which is causing th error.
Just to be safe, I do recommend performing a database backup prior to running any scripts. Backup instructions can be found here: http://www.lansweeper.com/kb/94/backing-up-your-installation.html

Afterwards open DatabaseMaintenance.exe which can be found under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Tools on your Lansweeper server or SQL Server Management Studio.
Copy/paste the script below and modify the highlighted code with the MAC address causing the issue, click Execute.
If you found multiple duplicate MAC addresses you can modify and run the script multiple times, once for each MAC address. Asset merging is usually caused by a single MAC address though.

INSERT INTO tsysMacBlacklist (Mac, Comment) VALUES ('AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF', 'Generic MAC')
UPDATE tsysupdate SET MacBlacklist = GETDATE()