We use AnyConnect as well and leverage LSAgent for our remote devices. I also have a very frequent scan hitting our VPN subnet. LSAgent only updates, at a minimum, of every four hours. Leveraging the IP Scan of the Subnet increases the visibility to an extent of at least allowing us to know that a PC on the Domain is connected, and ties the results to the existing asset.
Unless my understanding is wrong and I'm just wasting resources lol
The RPC and Ping failures could be due to Firewall Rules within the Router(s) or on the Device itself. There is a script out there that can adjust the firewall to permit your scan server. This can be used in conjunction with the LSAgent. If you haven't integrated Classic with Cloud, definitely consider doing so as the Cloud Relay is very beneficial for when assets are disconnected from the local network as the Sync Server will pull the stored results, hourly.
The below is an excerpt from the Lansweeper KB. You would want to adjust line 26 with your scan server IP. I dunno if the DNS name would work as I haven't tried and am not familiar.
' Lansweeper settings script
' Enable dcom
Set Myshell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
Myshell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\EnableDCOM","Y","REG_SZ"
if Err.Number <> 0 then
msgbox "Error: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "--> Make sure you are running this script elevated with administrative credentials!!",16,"Script error"
end if
Myshell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\LegacyAuthenticationLevel",2,"REG_DWORD"
Myshell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\LegacyImpersonationLevel",3,"REG_DWORD"
' Set dcom default permissions
Myshell.regdelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\DefaultLaunchPermission"
Myshell.regdelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\MachineAccessRestriction"
Myshell.regdelete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole\MachineLaunchRestriction"
' Set windows firewall
Myshell.run "netsh firewall set service RemoteAdmin enable"
Myshell.run "netsh firewall add portopening protocol=tcp port=135 name=LanSweeper_DCOM_TCP135"
Myshell.run "netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name=LanSweeper_DCOM_TCP135 new remoteip=ScAnSeRvEr_Ip"
Myshell.run "netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name=LanSweeper_DCOM_TCP135 new profile=domain"
' Disable simple file sharing
Myshell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\ForceGuest","0","REG_DWORD"
' Set LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
Myshell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy","1","REG_DWORD"
' Enable WMI Service and start it
Myshell.run "sc config winmgmt start= auto"
Myshell.run "net start winmgmt"
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LS Tech Support Email: Support@lansweeper.com
LS Tech Support KB: https://www.lansweeper.com/contact-support/