We’ve been trying to set up our Lansweeper to scan our computers with a Microsoft account (as it is
supposedly possible) but it has not been working.
All our machines are connected to an Azure AD and are logged into using Microsoft accounts. We have an admin account that we’ve confirmed can log in to machines and has admin privileges. I’ve added the admin account as a Windows Credential in Lansweeper and added it to our credential mapping, but when trying to scan it returns an Access Denied error. I’ve tried all the formats I can think of (name@domain.com, domain\name@domain.com, domain\name) but none work. I’ve tested both on machines which have never had the admin account logged into it and ones that have.
There’s not a lot of information about using Microsoft accounts for scanning, so I’m not sure if I might have missed something important with configuration on the server or clients. We need this to work as some of the local admin accounts on our machines have had their passwords expiring and resulting in us not being able to scan or deploy anything to be able to fix that.