Hi,is it possible to get State of an client-less TrendMicro DeepSecurity protection?We are trying to get the antivirus state from our VM´sTHX in advance
In Lansweeper I have a mark in "Detect when a Windows computer has been renamed."I have now reinstalled a number of Windows computers with a new name, but Serial, MAC and Hardware model. But the name change is not detected, and I now have the compute...
Hello,one of our office printers had a faulty network card which was replaced.Now Lansweeper identifies printer as a new device because MAC address has been changed. However serial number and rest of metadata Lansweeper reads is the same it used to b...
Hello,I'm having issues using Deployment with some reports. I can create a copy of a report I used for Deployment and the link will disappear. Likewise it will not be in the drop-down list under Deployment. I cannot seem to find a common link. What i...
How can this be? I am using the Domain Administrator account (or one just like it!) It actually worked on two PC's in my domain, but none of the others. And I made sure that each PC is setup, just like the others... What gives?
I want to try the new Lansweeper version. Currently our clients are pushing the inventory with lspush.exe version this lead to any trouble? Can I update to Lansweeper 7 on the server and have the clients still push with the old agent?...
Hi everyone,We're getting errors on all our Dell assets when scanning for warranty. It returns the following error:Connection error (elapsed time: .3744000): The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.I found this knowledgebase which dat...
I've gone through the KB and found nothing unusual. Here's the output from device tester:Lansweeper DeviceTester Lansweeper Service (on this machine).. Status: Service not found Version: Executable not foundPinging Ping ...