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Engaged Sweeper II
The view assets role has the option to "rescan computers" unchecked, however users with the view assets role still can rescan and also ping assets. How does one stop users with only view assets rights from being able to rescan computers.

Engaged Sweeper II
FYI - looks like there is a bug in the product. I also emailed and this is the response I received.


We checked this out and the rescan button indeed appears for users without these rights. We will change this in the next update so that the button will be hidden. We also noticed that the basic actions are not hidden when you disable 'View basic actions' for a user so we'll correct this as well. Then you can disable this to hide the 'ping assets' option.

We'll let you know when the next update is released.

Thank you for reporting"

Champion Sweeper III
This should not be the case if that is indeed the only role they have. To make sure please check if Windows groups these users are in aren't mentioned on different roles.

You can verify the permissions a user has by clicking on the configuration button at the top right, then click the Configured user info button. This should show either the role a user has (top left), or which Windows groups contribute to the permissions (to the right).

Keep in mind that users have to log out in order to get their new roles.