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Lansweeper Cloud Asset Scope

Hi im configuring lansweeper cloud and want to setup a Role and scope for all assets in a country. Id prefer to do it based on IP range. with our current setup we have 50+ ip ranges for all our locations and there is a limit to the ammount of ip loca...

Assets with different MACs/IPs getting merged

Hi there,we are running the latest LanSweeper version and having the issue the a couple of devices getting always merged even so they have different MAC- and IP-addresses.Attached are screenshots of two example devices which getting merged...

O365 not scanning

I enabled MS cloud scanning via certificate for both Intune and O365. Intune returns data, but it doesn't appear that the O365 is pulling information. The Exchange data shows no mailboxes. Is there a log somewhere that can provide some insight to wha...

amyers37 by Engaged Sweeper II
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🏆📢Winner - Sysadmin Day Giveaway 2023

CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky winner of the Giveaway contests launched last week! @Hendrik_VE  got the most votes in our Caption Contest and scored the highest (100%!) on the 'How well do you know Lansweeper?' Quiz (find the answers to the Lansweeper ...


Resolved! Exporting then Re-importing Assets

Hello Sweepers, I've recently been assigned as the official "Lansweeper guy" for my company, not an actual Sysadmin and most of my experience with LS is adding and editing assets as states change (assigning to AD objects, changing states, e-waste, et...

rinks by Champion Sweeper
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Importing Asset Relations

We have exported our assets from a report I created. We are looking to reimport assets that are not discovered through LsAgent or are not currently connected to the network/deployed (new/used/broken computers, monitors, docks, headsets, etc) by using...

rinks by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! LsAgent and Relay Scanning Time

Hello Sweepers, My team has some questions regarding LsAgent scan times using by relay server connection. We currently have over 12,000 assets between laptops, monitors, headsets, docking stations. With installing LsAgent on the laptops, how many ite...

rinks by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! LSagent force a scan

Is there a way to force an inventory scan when using the Lansweeper Agent? I found where you can adjust the polling schedule, but sometimes we're making changes on an endpoint and would like for those changes to appear right away instead of waiting ...

davidc97 by Engaged Sweeper II
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