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Engaged Sweeper
When we hire someone new, we give them a RFID card. The card needs to be activated in the gate system, the payroll system and the equipment machine.

The RH Team creates a ticket with employe name and card number. we made a type for that purpose.

The IT department(us) deal with the gate and payroll system but the equipment machine is taken care of by a KeyUser.

We don't want that key user to be an Agent. We just need that user to receive an email with the ticket information.

I can't auto assign that user as a CC user. I can't send a email to THAT user using the outgoing email templates.

We really like lansweeper but this is something we need.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Unfortunately, automatically adding cc users is not yet possible. However, I'll add this topic to the existing feature request for this.

As for a workaround which includes less manual work. But required more setup to get started. You could do this with a scheduled report alert, meaning:

Every day, this user gets a report with the ticket information of all new employees of that day. The frequency of the report can be adjusted if needed.

You can create a report which shows the tickets of the new employees and all the information the user needs, because scheduled report alerts will only send out an email if the report has a value, if no new employees have been processed that day, no report will be sent.
Engaged Sweeper
It's not the new employe who needs the email but someone else, a KeyUser.

I would make that user CC to all the new employe tickets. I cannot allow that KeyUser to be an Agent nor would I pay for that since that user's computer knowledge is abysmal.

I would like for new tickets of that type to be automatically CC to that specific user.

I don't want to set the CC user for each new ticket of that type, its always the same one. I want it to automatically notify that user of a new ticket with the name of the new employee and the card number.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Is it not an option to either make the new employee the user of the ticket and use outgoing email templates?

As an alternative you could make them a CC user of the ticket during creation of the ticket and use outgoing email templates. All templates sent are also sent to the CC user.

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