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Engaged Sweeper III

I have experienced a very strange problem in lansweeper with a specific asset (Linux). Lets call this specific asset X for now.
When I go the the asset page of asset X, I see on the summary info that it has 3 gigs of ram installed. However, When I go to Confifg --> Memory modules I see that there are 2 modules installed. One with 2048 mb (2gb) and one with 4096 mb (4gb). So this is in total of 6GB. And when I go to the ESXi asset page where asset X is installed on, I also see that there are 6GB's of ram installed on the machine. So after all the information on the summary screen of asset X is incorrect. It is displaying 3GB instead of the actual 6GB.

Is there any way to 'fix' this issue?

Kind Regards,
Champion Sweeper II
The 2+4 GB memory modules is standard VMWare ESXi practice, it maps the virtual RAM to it's nearest physical equivalent, so a 3 Gb machine has 2+1, a 6 Gb machine has 4+2, a 12 Gb machine as 8+4 and so on.

The 3 Gb value can be the result of having a 32-bit OS installed (although I seem to recall that VMWware gives about 3.75 Gb to the OS, not just 3 Gb), or having an limitation on the available RAM in the OS, check the GRUB config files for memory limits, something like "mem=3072m" or "mem=3g" on the kernel line...

I've stumbled across one of those errors a couple of months ago, this particular Windows 7 64-bit machine was reporting 1 Gb RAM, and the helpdesk insisted that they had 4 Gb there, someone had messed around with the boot options and had placed a 1 Gb RAM limit there...

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