Hi Recently I have had trouble when Creating NEW reports or editing reports. When I click the button to Edit the page will open up but I will not have any tables or data. even if i wait . Sometimes I have to try 2,3,4 times untill i get the tables on the screen.
It seems existing the browser and going in does help. I am using CHROME , which I have always used.
This seems to be SOLVED. I am not sure why, but the REPORT Editor seemed to have trouble openeng recently. This looks to be due to the IIS WorkerProcesses # being set to more than 1 for the Lansweeper Application pool.
That was only increased as an attempt to improve performance and testing... all seems ok now.
This seems to be SOLVED. I am not sure why, but the REPORT Editor seemed to have trouble openeng recently. This looks to be due to the IIS WorkerProcesses # being set to more than 1 for the Lansweeper Application pool.
That was only increased as an attempt to improve performance and testing... all seems ok now.
Actually, I may have found the incompatability with the added WorkerProcesses I added to the IIS under win7 on the server. The default is 1. I had it set to 3. I've never had an issue befor though. When I placed it back to 1 it seems to be working. I will test and let you know if I still have issues.
Could you contact support@lansweeper.com and provide us with: - Screenshots of the behavior you're describing. - Screenshot of the Configuration\Scanning Setup\Your License section of the Lansweeper web console. - Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\Errorlog.txt, as present on your Lansweeper server. - Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Website\App_Data\errorlog.txt, if this file exists.