I am creating a chart report of the installed patches on corporate client PCs.
I want to exclude spare computers from this report, so I am using the custom field 2. If it contains any string that machine is exluded from the report.
It works, but I have an issue in the report when the string contained in custom 2 is deleted, because in this case I see 2 different lines in the report for the same quickfix, one is for those computers where the custom 2 was never filled in, and one for those where it was filled in and then deleted.
In the report I used:
tblAssetCustom.Custom2 Is Null Or tblAssetCustom.Custom2 Like ''
and it looks like null or like '' are not equal, and I wish them to be merged in the same line in the report. Is it possible? I can put my report here if needed.