Hello,I try search but I can't found. It may not support yet.I REALLY need raid information. Do we have any menual search or somthing?Please make RAID info!!!
Hi allI use LANsweeper to scan lots of remote networks... and it works great for network devices. However, it seems that the product developers saw fit to DENY windows servers being discovered via SNMP...and instead, force you to use the joke of a p...
If I wanted to run a schedule, say every hour, to catch computers at different times of the day to update a program. I'd like an option for "During Times". So it will run every hour during the times of 8am and 5pm. Otherwise it will run all night ...
I have a couple of Linux and Mac systems that I'd like to at least get into my DB, but they aren't on my network directly. Is there an equivalent for LSPush that I could run on these systems?-Michael
Currently I'm in the process of moving all of our phones / SIM cards onto Lansweeper and using the asset relations to link them. My naming scheme is like this: HM - {SITE} 01; eg phone name: "HM - London 01"SIM - {SITE} 01; eg SIM name: "SIM - London...
Hi,Not sure if this has come up but a feature that downloads EOL details on software from Vendors allowing to report on individual assets would be fantastic. I know all vendors would have their own format of providing this information but if it could...