I would appreciate if Lansweeper wouldn't stop the whole IIS service when updateing the website part of our installation.There are more than just the Lansweeper site hosted on our IIS server, so updates can only be done in maintenance hours.Isn't sto...
Hi,We would like to Exclude some users details from being scanned.because not all users are relevant and some are even "sensitive".Our helpdesk should not have to see the details.Perhaps is even possible when the exclusion is active the account doesn...
Hi,is it possible to grant single users or a group specific permissions on one scanning server?For example, you have an environment with site A, B and C.A is running the master scanning server incl. Database etc., but in site B and C you run onlya sc...
Would be very useful to be able to add notes & a title to the file and registry scanning to make it easier to see what the scans do at a glance and why it was setup. Would also be useful if you could then sort the fields alphabetically by subject/tit...
It would be helpful to make LAPS attribute visible in LS similar to the BitLocker keys.ms-Mcs-AdmPwdms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTimeSimilar to the Bitlocker key display, it would need a configurable option under Roles.
Asset Radar is perfect for instant discovery- and scanning of devices connecting to the subnet.However, Asset Radar does only cover the subnet where the Lansweeper server is located, but I hope and thing, that most companies has more subnets to obtai...