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Forum Posts

IT Documentation section

We can do a lot of things with Lansweeper, but one thing I've been wanting for a long while is a section for internal documentation.I know about the Knowledge Base, but that's something which we reserve for users, and it's a bit too basic since it la...

Associate license to computer

Hi,Is it possible to add in futur release a way to associate the license key to a computer?It might be "simple" by allowing the association in the computer like it's done as a monitor.Edit Asset (computer) -> Asset Relation>> This Asset --> <License ...

Deploy Now CSV Input

It would be great feature if we could deploy now using a CSV import of computer names or IP addresses. We have several cases where using other software reports, such as reports from Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager, where Lansweeper just cant sc...

keys_it by Engaged Sweeper III
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Idea Package interface

Hello,Would it be possible to install in the next version, a way to "tidy up" the deployment packages?The interface is very restrictive everyday when we have a lot of package.A category system, or folder, to separate packages would be great.Is it pos...

BryceB by Engaged Sweeper
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Videos in Knowledgebase

I may be in the minority here, but I would love to be able to add videos in the Knowledgebase. There are some things in my environment that would be easier to make a video of rather than taking 1000 screenshots for each step.

Report for Windows Activation

Hi GuysI'm trying to create a report that tells me whether a Windows 7 client has been activated or not.I'm sure it is very simple but I can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.

Engenium by Engaged Sweeper
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create asset from existing

I'd like to streamline the creating of manual assets.When I'm on a headset page, I'd like the 'create asset' link to pre-fill as many fields as possible. At least assettype, scanserver, brand, model etc.Only when creating an asset from the asset menu...

B_L_ by Engaged Sweeper III
  • 1 replies
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