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Champion Sweeper II
I keep logfiles that I can pull up from the custom actions as follows:

"Computer Logfile" in Computer Actions:
notepad.exe \\SERVER\PATH\Computers\{computer}.txt
"User Logfile" in User Actions:
notepad.exe \\SERVER\PATH\Users\{displayname}.txt

I'd love to be able to do the same with Device Actions, but I see no parameter for Device Name. I'd like to be able to use {devicename} in Device Actions, or something similar. It would look like this:

"Device Logfile" in Device Actions:
notepad.exe \\SERVER\PATH\Devices\{devicename}.txt

Is there such a parameter already? How could I implement this?

Lansweeper Alumni
We currently have no release date for this feature.
Champion Sweeper II
Hello -

Do you know if this is on the radar at all? I know that there are a lot of updates that you guys are doing and this is a small item, but it seems like a small/quick improvement to make, and it would be very useful to be able to do this.

Currently I have this as my "Device Logfile" under Device Actions:

This opens the Devices folder to where the device logfiles are kept and I have to then just click the custom action, find the correct file (or create it), and open it. It would be great if I could do with devices the same as I'm doing with computers and users if it's a change that can be made.

Thanks for your time.

Lansweeper Alumni
I moved it to the wish list.