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Engaged Sweeper
I am relatively new to LanSweeper, however have evaluated many similar products over the last few years. LanSweeper appears to meet all the criteria I need (in addition to an existing helpdesk system) however does anyone know of a way to get it to send an email when it finds certain errors?
Engaged Sweeper
Unfortunately the lack of email or SMS notifications and a client interface for general helpdesk requests and ticketing are what's stopping our organisation from selling this package to many of our clients. Don't get me wrong, I love Lansweeper, but it's a severe limitation stopping it from reaching the next level of commercial popularity.
Engaged Sweeper
Or maybe an option to set a trigger if an extra appliaction is installed a notification e-mail is send.
Engaged Sweeper II
I definately agree this would be a wonderful feature to be part of lansweeper. This will make part of my job alot easier if I can have reports emailed on set schedules. Especially Low space, and numerous other rountine jobs.