Dear LanSweeper team,
I think that I've read before that you are working on a standalone application to collect all LanSweeper data from network isolated computers and then upload that information to the database so it will be all centralized.
So, do you know the estimated launch date of that feature?
If you need beta testers I'm in, because I desperate need a tool like this to have an inventory of computers out of my network and in DMZs.
Another question...
Do you plan to enhance License Manager?
I mean, give us a way to add or count OEM licenses, and evaluate downgrade rights (I mean, if I buy Windows 7 and add that license to LanSweeper, then when a Windows XP installation is detected, then LanSweeper will take W7 license for that XP installation... I know it's kind of a hard working piece of software, but it will give you a big plus because Microsoft licensing is a headache task).
Thank you in advance.