1) Role-based access. Some people we want to be able to look at the information, but not run actions , other cant see informations about some devices , other can see only specified group/OU of users/computers
2) AGENT !!!!! Offsite LAPTOPS / Stations (computers which not belongs to static IP POOLS - connected via VPN ? , not belongs to AD , have many diffrent Admin accounts , have connection to LanSweeper server from time to time )
- could be installed silently via psexec ( for example when laptop is connected via VPN) to datacenter
- could buffer data , compress it , and send to LanSweeper server when computer can reach it
3) SHOW AD GroupMemberships
4) Better time schedule not in days ( but also hours / minutes ?)
5) Port Mapping / Switch MApping USER:COMPUTER:IP:SWITCH:PORT ( using snmp , or commands via telnet /ssh wrapper ?)
6) Help Desk with user portal for users (Active Directory Users and Anonoymous - not AD users)
7) Network map (We can add background image with rooms , buildings and place by drag & drop on map )
8)Track User Logon/Logoff/ Lock Workstation /Unlock Workstation information