‎03-15-2009 09:50 PM
‎04-23-2013 11:47 PM
‎05-17-2013 03:55 PM
oiverson wrote:
Wildcards in custom scanned paths (probably with a warning about how taxing the process is and to use with discretion)
GreenCup wrote:
Ability to share custom tabs and widgets in order to present a particular dataset, one created and managed by an administrator, to other IT support colleague's.
xrsupport wrote:
I would like to see the ability to import custom mibs from devices. Also making lansweeper able to accept pushed trap data from snmp devices.
MustQ wrote:
The single largest thing that has prevented our company from purchasing lansweeper is the current inability to track Monitors as an individual asset.
xrsupport wrote:
support for snmp v3
GreenCup wrote:
I ended up creating an external web page and putting it in an iFrame widget in order provide a customized menu with links to custom reports that break down assets based on site locations.
‎04-11-2013 01:23 AM
‎04-25-2013 02:18 AM
GreenCup wrote:
1) Ability to create Nested Asset Groups and/or Sites that can contain asset groups.
ie SiteA - containing the asset groups; SiteA Switches, SiteA Computers, SiteA Printers etc etc. It would also be helpful to be able to delegate administrative roles at this Site level within lansweeper or at least restrict access by Site.
2)Automatic Asset group assignment based on Active Directory OU values.
I haven't been working with Lansweeper very long now but have been unable to find information on configuring either of the above. Please inform if these can already be done.
‎04-12-2013 06:08 PM
GreenCup wrote:
- Ability to create Nested Asset Groups and/or Sites that can contain asset groups.
- It would also be helpful to be able to delegate administrative roles at this Site level within lansweeper or at least restrict access by Site.
- Automatic Asset group assignment based on Active Directory OU values.
GreenCup wrote:
SiteA - containing the asset groups; SiteA Switches, SiteA Computers, SiteA Printers etc etc.
‎03-19-2013 02:36 PM
‎03-15-2013 07:47 PM
‎03-15-2013 06:19 PM
‎03-14-2013 11:04 PM
‎03-15-2013 11:15 AM
hpitman wrote:
I'd also like to see it able to receive snmp traps and send notifications based on those traps and have the ability to add mibs for devices lansweeper doesn't know about.
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