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Resolved! Custome Report - Local Admins\Last Seen

I need a report that will list all members of the local admin for a desktop/laptop/server as well as the last time the system was seen on the network and or the last time the user logged in to the network.If I had to pick one having the data for the...

RMcDowell by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Single User Multiple Windows Assets

Hi,I'm trying to find a list of users who has been assigned multiple windows assets.The below query which i have written is giving me zero results and i know something is not right in the report and can't able to figure that out Any help would be he...

Resolved! Asset list of Comments

I'm wanting to write a report that Includes only Asset's that contain comments. I'm logging any Asset changes (ie... HDD replacement, DVD Drive Replacement, O/S refresh etc...) into the comments section of each asset I work on. Thanks for your help!

mhinton433 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! LansweeperRC leftovers

I decided to make a simple report that looks for the service "LansweeperRC" on all machines to find instances of where it does not get removed after usage. This can occur under various circumstances. If any are found active they should be removed by ...

danielm by Champion Sweeper II
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Resolved! SOftware Installed Return User ID

I am able to created a report for installed software and returning computer name. IS there a way to return AD user name?Thank you.

ogeccut by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Workstations and Servers without Antivirus

Hello all,I'm quite new and not experienced in creating the reports. I do try to veiw how the is built and try to copy and paste but without success.I am trying to add OS for each Workstation and Server that is reported not to have Antivirus installe...

olipop by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Asset Inventory Questions

Hi all,I need a little help with a Report for Client Inventory (Desktop and Laptop)Atm I'm filtering with Assetgroups but it's not showing every Asset.This is what I need:ManufacturerModelHostnameSerialAssettag (Custom5)Keyboardlayout (if possible)Co...

C1Hol by Engaged Sweeper II
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