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Resolved! Report for Monitoring Shared Network folder Sizes

Hello All,I have next to no experience with SQL and I'm in my first IT role. As I'm training one of my tasks has been to monitor the shared folders we have on the network and keep tabs on thier sizes. So far I've got this:Select Top 1000000 tblAssets...

AronJBAR by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! User rights or status

Hi, I need report to see what is the domain user status on PC, are they user or administrator?thank you for great software

dr_sah by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Generating expiring assets in quarterly basis

Hi,Is there's a way to generate asset reports in a way that it will show separate reports of assets that are expiring in a quarterly basis? For example: 1ST QUARTER REPORT - assets that are expiring for the month of January to March2ND QUARTER REPORT...

dijs06 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! List of softwarereport and remove deployed software

Im looking for e report that can list all software and its computer assets in a specified domain and after that I want the report to remove any specified software like adobe, Microsoft office etcdoes any one now how to build such report

King19501 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Asset picture

Hi , I would like to create report that contain asset picture in ASP.NET.what's picture field name & table in LANSweeper database?Please advice.Thank you.

Resolved! Custome Report - Local Admins\Last Seen

I need a report that will list all members of the local admin for a desktop/laptop/server as well as the last time the system was seen on the network and or the last time the user logged in to the network.If I had to pick one having the data for the...

RMcDowell by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Single User Multiple Windows Assets

Hi,I'm trying to find a list of users who has been assigned multiple windows assets.The below query which i have written is giving me zero results and i know something is not right in the report and can't able to figure that out Any help would be he...