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System Configuration Overview Report

I would like to see HOW the System Configuration Overview report gets its data...but when I open that report for editing I just get a blank builder window. I was hoping to use some of that report for a report I am trying to create to take care of our...

bungargp by Engaged Sweeper
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computer in domain

just wanted to ask for the Computers in domain example like the computer name is register as userA but when he pass the laptop to userB then userB change the name to userB. how come userA name is still in the domain and it is online(blue colour) whil...

jeechin by Engaged Sweeper
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Service scan false positives

I am using the following report to find computers that do not have sophos antivirus installed.We are seeing false positives on computers that have other errors preventing service enumeration(e.g. WMI errors, DNS problems)Is there a good way to modify...

wgknowles by Engaged Sweeper II
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Need help with a report that includes the following:

I need to provide a report that provides a certain type of software (in this case, Cisco IP Communicator), version number, and the users that have it installed.We need to contact our IP Communicator users that are running older versions and have them...

ESIT by Engaged Sweeper
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License compliance

This is what I got when adding e.g. all discovered Access versions to software license compliance.Microsoft Office Access 2003 11.0.8173.0 Microsoft Corporation 67 Microsoft Office Access 2003 11.0.6361.0 Microsoft Corporation 111 Microsoft ...

stephan by Engaged Sweeper
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report to show Server 2008 (32bit)

Does anyone know how to differentitiate between 64 and 32 bit Server 2008?My Query shows all 2008 Servers, regardles 64/32bit. What has to be added?Select Top 100 Percent dbo.tblComputers.Computername As Computer, dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Description, ...