The report below should give back the information that you are after. Since the working hours are the same for every work day we based the report on the hours set for Monday.
Instructions for adding this report to your Lansweeper installation can be found
here. If you are interested in building or modifying reports, we do recommend:
- Reviewing some SQL tutorials, as the Lansweeper report builder is a standard SQL editor. If you know SQL, you know how to build Lansweeper reports as well. This seems like a good tutorial.
- Making use of our database dictionary, which explains in great detail what each database table and field stores. More information on the dictionary can be found here.
Select Distinct htblticket.ticketid,
'#' + Cast(htblticket.ticketid As nvarchar) As Ticket,
htblticket.subject, As [Creation Date], As [Ticket Creator]
From htblticket
Inner Join htblusers On htblusers.userid = htblticket.fromuserid,
Where (DatePart(hh, < DatePart(hh, htblbusinesshours.mon)) Or
(DatePart(hh, > DatePart(hh, htblbusinesshours.mon2))
Order By htblticket.ticketid DESC