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Engaged Sweeper

I was wondering is someone had created a report to check all PCs in an organisation to see if they meet the requirements outlined in the link below.

Intel® Management Engine Critical Firmware Update
Intel® Management Engine Critical Firmware Update (Intel SA-00086)

To check all machines manually may take a while so before I look at creating a report I just thought I'd check here to see if someone already had.

Thanks in advance.

All the best,

Tengo problemas en el paso del VBS, sale:
Result: Package timeout reached. Stopping deployment executable: Successful. Timeout: (300sec).

Por favor su apoyo.

Engaged Sweeper
Thanks Charles.X.

I'll check it out and get back to you.

All the best,
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Just a quick update. We created a deployment package and report combination which you can use to check your assets for this vulnerability. You can find all the details here:
Engaged Sweeper II

Se agradece su apoyo con este inconveniente, ya que nos seria de mucha ayuda tener un reporte con esta mención.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
Unfortunately, I don't have a report which gives a list of all asset with possible vulnerabilities related to the recent Intel firmware vulnerabilities.

I did however notice that Intel released a detection tool which you can use. In theory it would also be possible to use this tool with Lansweeper. According to Intel's description one version of the tool is a console executable that saves the discovery information to the Windows registry and/or to an XML file. If this information is correct you could use the deployment module to deploy the executable to your assets and save the information in a registry key which can be scanned using custom registry scanning. Once you have scanned the value out of the registry key you can use a report to get a list of assets with a specific value in that registry key.

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