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Engaged Sweeper

I have a large list of asset names in an excel spreadsheet and would like to run a report in Lansweeper giving me the general info for each of these assets, specifically the user/last user would be most useful.

Can someone help me out with a solution? It would be massively appreciated.

Thanks everyone

Honored Sweeper II

If the list of asset names isn't too long, create your report incorporating the fields you want and use the WHERE clause to filter the results for only those asset names you want.

Where tblassets.AssetName In ('assetname1', 'assetname2', 'assetname3')


Champion Sweeper


it may be easier to create a report in lansweeper that has asset name and all the fields you need to find, then export the full report to another excel table and do vlookups for the info you are looking to fill in on your list.

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