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Engaged Sweeper II

According to: you can create custom "Asset States"... 


According to: 

We can search for several types of Assetfields! And even from a existing Asset, i can "filter" or oopen an "on-the-fly Report" for e.g. all Assets from Manufacturer "Dell"...


I cant do this for assets with an other State than "active". So we have Assets with state "Stock" or "in repair". But the quicksearch (with a part of the assetname) and filter process dont shows it.

When i type in the exact name... it shows up in the "quicksearch". But for the Filter on a special field, i see no option to say - that he also should include "stock" state assets.

And i dont want to build reports for all this"

Do i miss something!? Is there a workaround?

Thanks for think-about 

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

The built-in views filter out assets that are in another state than "Active", so you would indeed require a custom report to show you the same data for other asset states.

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

Hello there!

The built-in views filter out assets that are in another state than "Active", so you would indeed require a custom report to show you the same data for other asset states.

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