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Engaged Sweeper
Although I really like the new version 5 interface, I am running into an issue with comments.

Our organization uses the Asset Summary Comment field to store important information associated with the asset. For example, we store ISP and access information on firewalls so we can quickly view the information when testing VPN's. For workstations, we store comments when it goes in/out of service.

The comments seemed to have converted correctly but they are now missing the line feeds when you view them. All of the text is streamed together without any line feeds even though the CR/LF's are stored in the database. This makes finding the information you are looking for in the comments very difficult.

As a work around, I thought I would move the information from the Asset Summary Comment field to the new Asset Comments but ran into the following issues:

* The comments are also missing the line feeds just like the Asset Summary comment field.

* Once you save a comment, there is no way to edit it if you make a mistake and need to make a correction. I noticed the comments were date/time stamped so I would assume this new comment feature may be the beginning of a possbile help desk feature which could begin to explain why you cannot edit the comments after you enter them.

As a work around, you can copy the comment, create a new comment, paste the comment, make your changes, save the new comment and then delete the old one but you will lose your date/time stamp if that is important to you. It is very inefficient and cumbersome but you can also go directly into SQL and edit the assets comment record in tblAssetComments table.

Requested Resolution:

* If a CR/LF exists in the comments, then display it on the screen. If the CR/LF is being stripped out by Lansweeper to condense the view, then add a configuration option to enable/disable the condensing of comments.

* Add edit capability for individual Asset comments. If edit is not allowed for a specific reason, then add a configuration option to enable/disable comment edit.
Champion Sweeper II
Thanks for allowing CR/LF in asset comments and asset summary comments; that works great in 5046. Are there any plans to allow minor HTML in these comment areas, or a way to include links?

Also, are there any plans to allow for editing asset comments? I'd love to be able to edit the content, and also the date/time stamp.

Lansweeper Alumni
Jono wrote:
Are there any plans to allow minor HTML in these comment areas, or a way to include links?

We have added this feature request to our customer wish list.

Jono wrote:
Also, are there any plans to allow for editing asset comments? I'd love to be able to edit the content, and also the date/time stamp.

Comments can now be edited in the latest Lansweeper 5 version. Make sure to update your installation using this installer.
Lansweeper Alumni
There will be a change to this is the next update.
Champion Sweeper II
I would like to 2nd this. Mike's requests would be extremely helpful to me as well.

Back in 4.2, the comments field would allow some HTML. I had an email link in the comments for printers. One click and I have an email that is ready to send to our support vendor including subject line and body content. The new asset summary comments don't allow HTML; it just shows all of the code.

It would be nice for the asset summary to allow for HTML so I can use it for the quick email link, but if that's not possible, perhaps the CR/LF and HTML could be included in the asset comments (I see that it does display HTML correctly when you first save a comment, but leaving and returning to the page, there's just code).


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