HiWe are using lansweeper for half a year and are happy about it.Though there are some functionalities that are missing.We have some back-up computers, always up and running. just in case one might die.So it happens that one of those back-up computer...
Is it possible to customize the report produced when selecting a domain from the "Domain Overview" (left side of screen). I would like to change one of the columns to something more useful for my needs.
Hello,any chance to ignore special Drive's for the Report called "Disk: Workstations less than 1 GB free HD"then i'm not interested what the User have space on the Drive E: and F: Please let me know that then i can ignore this in my Domain on Workst...
Hello all!Since upgrading to the licensed version, I am seeing netlogon errors across the board stating there are no logon servers available.NETLOGON 5719 This computer was not able to set up a secure session with a domain controller in domain <dom...
Hi there. I have now bought the Premium version of Lansweeper and the Remote Control under Advanced Actions is generating an error. First I get this errorAnd when I click on the OK I get this one. My share seems to be workingI can access the lsremote...