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Engaged Sweeper
To whom may concern,

I am trying to create a simple deployment package to install a MSI file in a set of computers. But I am receiving the following message on the event viewer of the remote computer: Product: {name of the application, custom made} -- Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.

The package is really simple:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Name>MSI-Installer - RWapp</Name>
<Description>Install Rodeoware newest version</Description>
<Name>Install the application package</Name>
<Path>\\ceas.local\files\ITSoftware\Tech West\RWapp.msi</Path>
<MSIParameters>/i /qn /norestart</MSIParameters>
<Command>msiexec.exe /i "\\rw.local\files\ITSoftware\TW\RWapp.msi" /norestart /qb</Command>
<Conditions />

I believe is important to mention that the deployment package works in my lab where I log in with my administrative credential... however, when I am trying to deploy the package into a production computer (into a user computer across the company), the application shows the *Error 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator and then retry this installation.*.

What could I do to perform the installation into the computer??, I mean, the Lansweeper shows just after I try to do the deployment:

02/03/2017 08:49:26 MSI-Installer - Rodeoware admin_miguel Preliminary checks complete! Initializing. Credential: (ceas\lansweeper_service). ShareCredential: (ceas\admin_miguel).

but didn't continue.

But it works on my lab.

Any idea about where could I find more information about what could be wrong, please?


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