Dave Gently wrote:
I am just using the default configuration for "Integrated Security"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- User application and configured property settings go here.-->
<!-- Example: <add key="settingName" value="settingValue"/> -->
<add key="ConnectionString" value="integrated security=SSPI;data source="";persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper" />
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="20" />
I installed MSDE using "Mixed Mode" authentication and could connect using my username & password using MSDEQuery. Is this not so for LSWinap.exe? Is there a log file?
Just for fun have you tried to put the username/password in the config file ?
can you try this config in your config file?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- User application and configured property settings go here.-->
<!-- Example: <add key="settingName" value="settingValue"/> -->
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Integrated security=SSPI;data source="";persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper;user id=lsuser;password=Lansweeper" />
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="20" />
give me some news about it