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Engaged Sweeper
I have many computers that have not updated in months because the IP address has changed, and Lansweeper did not update. How can I tell it to rescan the computer, when it simply seems to rescan the wrong IP address, and therefore is unable to rescan the computer?
Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper does not use a computer's IP address as unique identifier. The combination domain\computer name is used to uniquely identify a machine.

tvbowman wrote:
I have many computers that have not updated in months because the IP address has changed, and Lansweeper did not update.

Whether or not computers continue to be scanned after an IP address change depends on the scanning method(s) you are using.

If you are using Active Scanning for instance, the IP address change should have no impact at all. If you are using IP Range Scanning however and the computers' new IP addresses no longer belong to the ranges submitted, you will have to submit new ranges in order to continue scanning.

Could you contact us at and provide us with the following:
- Screenshot of your web console landing page. You can access your landing page by clicking on the Lansweeper logo in the top left corner of the web console. Please show us the whole page.
- Output of the report below, preferably in Excel format.

Select tblComputers.Computername, tblComputers.ComputerUnique,
tblComputers.Domain, tblComputers.Firstseen, tblComputers.Lastseen,
tblComputers.Lasttried, tblComputers.Lasttriggered,
tblComputers.LastScheduled, tblComputers.LastActiveScan,
tblComputers.LastLsPush, tblComputers.FQDN, tblComputers.LastknownIP,
tblComputers.Computer, tblComputers.Scanserver, tblComputers.Username,
From tblComputers


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