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Engaged Sweeper

I'm using lansweeper 4.0, and I want to upgrade to 4.1
But how to do it? because I installed the web of Lansweeper on a server, and the database on another one.

So, when I try to upgrade the web I got a message telling that I first need to upgrade the database.
And when I run the upgrade on the database server this try to install a new database, and it doesn't say anything about "upgrade".

Thank you.

PS: BTW, I'm a premium user, but I don' know how to enable the specific premium forum. Thanks.
Lansweeper Alumni
Please contact us by e-mail ( and provide screenshots of the setup screen.
Engaged Sweeper
Sorry, but what you mean when you say "upgrade the service".
I understand the service is installed on the same server than the web. So, I can't upgrade the service (whatever it be), and not the web.

Thank you.
Lansweeper Alumni
1) Upgrade the service first, it will ask to upgrade the database.
2) upgrade the website.


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