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Champion Sweeper
For the last week or so it doesn't look like Lansweeper is updating.

The total number of machines isn't increasing (and I know there are new machines being installed)

And all the scans for hardware / software / users etc are not updating.

It shows the last seen time correctly - but software scans, for example are set to "0" to update each time the user logs on - but this date is not updating.

Also - using the Premium tools I do a trigger scan and then all the dates against the scan items disappear and go red!

Nothing obvious in the log file either.

Any ideas...?
Champion Sweeper
OK - errorlog since 10.45amtoday: (you will see that I restarted the service again at 12.23.

50 concurrent threads specified.

1050 threads running in Task Manager

4Gb Total system Memory and approx 3Gb available at any time.

06/10/2008 10:37:33 : Database connection successful, starting up service

06/10/2008 10:45:00 : Database connection successful, starting up service

06/10/2008 11:00:58 : COMPUTERNAME_REPLACED
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BE): The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
at Lansweeperservice.sweeperthread.GetWMI(String Querystr, String Table, clsComputer mycomputer, String section, clsThreadinfo Threadinfo, SqlConnection& sqlcon)
06/10/2008 11:03:53 : COMPUTERNAME_REPLACED
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Connect()
at Lansweeperservice.sweeperthread.GetTheUsersAndGroups(clsComputer mycomputer, String section, clsThreadinfo Threadinfo, SqlConnection& sqlcon)
06/10/2008 12:23:01 : Stopping service

06/10/2008 12:23:08 : Database connection successful, starting up service

Lansweeper Alumni
in the errorlog: do you see the usual : starting, ... messages.
Can you take a look at your menory usage and threads running in taskmanager please.
How many threads did you specify in the config file.
Champion Sweeper
Tested - and it is still very similar problem for me.

Everything was ok for a short time (20 mins)

Now my queue, in process and threads running are all empty.

BUT Total processed increases regularly - but nothing is updating.

CPU useage is quite low.

Nothing in the error log at all.


Champion Sweeper
Testing now.

One thing I have started to notice - which I didn't think was happening before - was that the CPU useage is running a lot higher than I remember.

With only 3 or 4 computers in process the CPU - over 30% (4 processors).

Normally the CPU was around 1-2%.

Don't know whether this is something to keep an eye on...?

I will report back.
Lansweeper Alumni
Premium users : see this thread for a beta service download
Please test to see if it solves the service problem.
Champion Sweeper
This is just happening constantly now.

I stop and start the service and a small number of machines update as normal.

Then everything looks like it is working - the queue shows items in it, the threads show machines is and also the processed figure increases.

HOWEVER, the information does not update. A trigger scan doesn't work either - just goes and stays blank on the update dates.

I stop and start the service again and it will start ok again - a trigger will show an update and all new requests from lsclient are processed correctly. But then after a short time it just doesn't update again.

The number processed just seems to increment as machines register - it just doesn't appear to scan.

We have become more reliant on Lansweeper - but recently it seems I have to stop / start the service every 10 minutes!

Please help!!!!!
Champion Sweeper
To summarise from my point of view:

When things start to go wrong the service page (9524) shows:

Congratulations, your lansweeper service is running

In queue: 0

In process:
-> computername
-> computername

Threads running: 1
-> computername()

Total processed: 1061

Then Total processed continue to increase as users log on, but threads running does not increase, queue does not increase and the scan information in Lansweeper does not update.

So if Software is due to update today it doesnt.

The last seen field at the top shows today, but none of the scan dates change and it doesn't pick up new information about the machine.

Also, if you do a trigger scan, the fields blank out (except last seen) but do not update and do not show the new date - just remain blank.

If you stop and start the LS service and the trigger scan again on the same machine the scan dates start updating and information is refreshed today.

Hope this makes sense...
Engaged Sweeper
I have the service running on a 2003 Server SP2 VM. I may have misspoke when I said everything is empty on the service status webpage -- I have noticed that some computers remain in the "In Process" list for quite a long time (hours, days, etc). Right now I have 0 in queue, 1 in process, and 0 threads running. The computer that is "in process" has been there for at least 2 hours. Earlier today when I noticed the service was hung again, 9 computers were "in process" and 0 threads running. Total processed at that time was over 4900.

Lansweeper Alumni
To summarize everything:
Clients are not scanned, no errors in the interface or errorlog.txt.
This happens not immediately but after a certain time.

Known problems
Vista and XP can give "too many tcp connections", this is by microsoft design because they are no "server" operating systems.
Lansweeper wrote:
To summarize everything:
Clients are not scanned, no errors in the interface or errorlog.txt.
This happens not immediately but after a certain time.

Known problems
Vista and XP can give "too many tcp connections", this is by microsoft design because they are no "server" operating systems.

In my case this seems to be true. Also, when running lsclient is doesn't get resolved, so I don't think TCP connections are an issue there. These certain computers still fail after restarting the LanSweeper service. Nothing abut these computer in service log.


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