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Engaged Sweeper
Can someone tell me if it is possible for Lansweeper to create profiles under documents and settings with any of the applications or features that are included with the suite?

Im asking because we have users that are noticing the profile of a particular IT member (who installed and ran Lansweeper) under their documents and settings folder on their computers, yet we know he isn't actually (personally) logging into these computers.

What part of Lansweeper, if any, would cause this?


Engaged Sweeper
I recently installed Lansweeper and found out the hard way that it did this to all our clients, creating a local profile. Is this a one time thing per client? For instance, If I uninstall lansweeper from our server, and remove the profile on the clients, is there anything left on the clients like a service, agent or program file that runs and recreates it?

Outside of the profile being used to scan registry, the only thing that happens to the clients is WMI scanning correct?
Lansweeper Alumni
I recently installed Lansweeper and found out the hard way that it did this to all our clients, creating a local profile. Is this a one time thing per client? For instance, If I uninstall lansweeper from our server, and remove the profile on the clients, is there anything left on the clients like a service, agent or program file that runs and recreates it?

Outside of the profile being used to scan registry, the only thing that happens to the clients is WMI scanning correct?

I's actually the WMI scanning itself that creates the profile on the computer.
Lansweeper Alumni
When you scan registry keys with Lansweeper wmi automatically creates a profile of the scanning user. (this is build in into wmi/windows)

I would suggest to create a generic user like "scanner" and use this account to do the scans.


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