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Engaged Sweeper

When i try to start the LansweeperPRO service i get the following

The LansweeperPRO service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service

What does that mean ?
Lansweeper Alumni

Do a search on the forum for the word "collation"
You have probably configured the database with a case sensitive collation.
Engaged Sweeper
I have the same problem with the service, is stops. I followed the instructions in the previous posts, but it still doesn't work. The errorlog always starts with "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'Schedule30'." Can you help me with this issue? Thanks
Lansweeper Alumni
Engaged Sweeper
our internet is very slow.
can you tell me how or point me to an article please
Lansweeper Alumni
No, you can create a scheduled task on the laptop that has never been seen by lansweeper
Engaged Sweeper
if i schedule i take it lansweeper must have seen the laptop at least once ?
this might not happen and is problematic for me
i want it to scan the whole domain
Lansweeper Alumni
create a scheduled job on the portables to run the lsclient.exe every x hours.
Engaged Sweeper
Just another thing

we have laptop users so they might just put their system into "hibernate" so the user don't really log on to my domain these ones i will miss
the other thing is that alot of them connect via 3G same type of scenario. They are already loggen into their pc's before the 3G connection takes place

any way to get the details i need in a scenario like this ?
Lansweeper Alumni
You can use a GPO and need to allow remote administration (you can search the forum for the correct syntax and examples)