bjoyce wrote:
I had a look in add remove programs and there is no record of vnc being installed and yes it does work on one other computer of 6 that i tried but vnc is not installed on that one either.
Does vnc need to be installed on remote computer to enable remote control?
Im feeling really dumb here, is there a manual i could read?
I think Ive found the problem, my forefront antivirus is blocking the vnc application, after allowing it i still get an error "unknown athentication scheme!"
Some more info, the remote comptuer has another error saying "another instance of vnc is already running" yet vnc is not installed. I suspect a trojon.
VNC don't need to be installed.
The software pushes a VNC installation and starts the remote control session automatically. (this can sometimes give problems if you are already using VNC)
A manual is really not needed, there's nothing more to it than pushing the remote control button.
If you have "another instance of vnc is already running" and you are not using it, this is indeed suspicious.