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Engaged Sweeper
Hi there,

The company I'm working for is running lansweeper and I've made a few queries to show uptime in a nice easy to read format for reports. I'd be interested in finding out how lansweeper calculates up time from the system. Does it get it from the event log? The uptime for some client machines doesn't seem to be changing even though they're turning off so it'd be helpful to know how lansweeper obtains the seconds value for uptime as our client machines may be preventing the uptime being updated.

Hope you can help!


Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper 5.0 pulls the uptime from WMI, specifically from the systemuptime field of Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_System. Note that a machine's scanned uptime value reflects the uptime at the time of the last successful scan. Uptime information will only be accurate if your machines have recently and successfully been rescanned. The "last seen" dates listed in the Summary tabs of your computer webpages must be recent.

Lansweeper 5.1, currently in beta, provides more detailed uptime information. It scans shutdowns, reboots and other uptime events from the client machine's event viewer.