Yeah I have noticed this issue, as I set it to log to see what I could capture. I have 13 VLANs in my 700,000 SQFT facility to handle all the hardware and needs and another 475,000 facility with 8 VLANs, but only revived info off the VLAN my server is on... kind of a rip if i have to have multiple servers setup on multiple VLANs. Would be nice to use the scanning targets settings to see what comes in on the VLANS I am scanning. I can not hook up 21 VLANs oh and i have a 3rd facility in another state that i monitor 4 of their VLANs also...
This is an awesome idea, but we need to be able to use the scanning targets we setup as Asset Radar scan locations or as stated it is pretty useless for large companies.