Agents will only be able to view tickets and respond to the following tickets:
- Tickets assigned to a team he's a member of.
- Tickets with a ticket type that's linked to a team he's a member of.
- Tickets assigned to him.
- Tickets he's subscribed to.
- Tickets he's created.
- Tickets he's a CC user of.
If you would like some more information about how Teams work in the helpdesk you can find it in this knowledgebase article:
It is possible to send ticket notes from other email addresses. However, these will need to be aliases of the main email account. The agent linked to the alias will be able to send from his alias email by setting tickets to personal using the ticket action.
Using multiple outgoing email addresses and sending tickets based on type or team with a specific email address is on our wishlist and I've added your topic to the feature request to add weight to it.