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Engaged Sweeper III
Has anybody had any luck deploying Skype for business?

I've built a deployment script to push this out but it seems to fail.

I know the file works I can install it just fine manually and users can access it.

This is the deployment:
"\\DeploymentShare\Skype for Business\lyncentry_4417-1000_x86_en-us.exe" /quiet

This is the failed message:
Result: Package timeout reached. Stopping deployment executable: Successful. Timeout: (900sec).
Engaged Sweeper
Ha, I got the same error before. But I'm trying to uninstall it.

"%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Office Setup Controller\Setup.exe" /uninstall LyncEntry /config \\<server_ip>\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\SfB2016\lyncentry.ww\configuninstall.xml

I fix this by changing to select "Scanning Credentials" at "Run Mode".

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