We indeed presume that the asset type scanning target considers the scanning server, so we recommend adding the scanning target to all the required scanning servers.
The first thing to note is that the online status indicator will not affect the asset's status in your Lansweeper database. The ping requests are performed on demand when you open the asset's Lansweeper webpage or select the Ping Assets button in overviews. This data isn't stored in the Lansweeper database. For more information, you can refer to this KB article: https://community.lansweeper.com/t5/managing-assets/online-status-indicator/ta-p/64369
so I have printers set on a scanning server to scan every day using the printer grouping dose this not work if the last scanning server was another scanning server?
do I need to set scanning for the different device types on each scanning server?
We indeed presume that the asset type scanning target considers the scanning server, so we recommend adding the scanning target to all the required scanning servers.