No - I'm not talking about WMI/credential issues - i'm talking about Active Scanning not counting an LSAgent scan when determining the timeframe to scan the computer or not. So, I have an LSAgent scan and an Active Scan on the asset. Obviously having an agent negates the need for a windows account - but since Active Scanning ignores an LSAgent scan, it will scan or attempt to scan the domain computer - resulting in access denied errors. On 30,000 endpoints, this is unacceptable as that will trigger/flood security tools monitoring access denied entries for an account. Thus, unless there is a way to have Active Scanning count an LSAgent scan, I cannot use Active Scanning in conjunction with LSAgent.

If it did, Active scanning would say "hey this asset has been scanned today with LSAgent, skip it" so I wouldnt have an access denied error (or errors if it tries various windows credentials). Conversely, if a windows machine does not* have LSAgent, there would be no agent-based scan, thus Active scanning would attempt to scan it.