Hi, Thanks for the response. I have a couple of scenarios
- where a user emails the helpdesk which auto creates a ticket. We have a template to respond to the user stating that the ticket has been opened and someone will be in touch. The user CC's a DL that includes a group of users. Those users get added to the ticket and the template sends the email to everyone, not just the person that sent the email. Everyone also gets CC'd when an agent adds public notes to a ticket
- Another scenario is that we have some 3rd party applications that do some AD monitoring and sends an email to the helpdesk which auto creates a security ticket. Thier system also includes thier techs in the CC field which causes the technician to get an email.
Yes, if we go into the ticket we can remove the CC'd people but the email templates that get fired automatically send to both the sender and the CC'd recipients.
Is there not some way to 1, prevent the ticket from automatically adding the CC'd people to the ticket and 2, prevent the email templates from sending messages to the CCd person.
In the ticket type, there is an option that says "User may add CC users" We do not have this option enabled but the CC'd users do get added but when the ticket is created via an email the CC users are getting added.