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Engaged Sweeper II

I am having some issue with the helpdesk.
It worked at the installation but now it doesn't anymore.

I have an e-mail account setup to whom users send messages to in order to create new tickets.
Unfortunately, it's been a few days since the last ticket creation via e-mail.

The logins are correct and the incoming status is green. I checked the mailbox and e-mails are still in there.
Last Tried field shows that it is checking every 2 minutes or so.

What should I do, please ?

Engaged Sweeper II

Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, I've tried deleting and recreating the credentials twice, but it's still not working.
Engaged Sweeper III
Hello y,

I hit the same issue couple of days ago. At some point during my vacation email login started failing. Checked what's in the Lansweeper config, looked good. Checked if mail account is locked, wasn't. Restarted the Lansweeper service, no success. Resetted the password for mail account in the mail system (Exchange), went back to Lansweeper and still fails. Next I logged to mailbox and read some mails, so account and password must be good. Opened once again Lansweeper config and typed in the same password again and closed config. Suddendly it works. Don't know why, but mails flow.