The fundamental step of triggering a scan for our IT Agent Installations in our LS Cloud has started returning no payload via the API.
Previously when working with this it would return the id and name as expected, but this week the response is blank.
I cannot see any information in the API release notes or system status regarding this change, so either I'm doing something dumb or there's a breakage/undocumented feature at work.
Running the below (but with the correct siteId):
site(id: "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee") {
allInstallations {
"data": {
"site": {
"allInstallations": []
I expect the response to be a list of all id and name of all installations.
If I add an arbitrary additional "accounts.username" request into the query:
site(id: "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee") {
accounts {
allInstallations {
I get a properly formed response with the usernames section containing the expected data, but the allInstallations section remains blank.
"data": {
"site": {
"accounts": [
"username": "user.00"
"username": "user.01"
"allInstallations": []
Am I doing something ultimately thick here? Or is something broken?