Back in April 2017 I had just moved to Illinois from Oregon to be the first out-of-house SysAdmin hired for this one health insurance company. They had a team of contractors in place who had been brought in Lansweeper for ITAM.
I had been familiar with monitoring and alerting tools which often include some sort of scanning and discovery capabilities. Often, I'd have to resolve all of the unknown asset issues. When I gained access to Lansweeper, I saw that the discovery was thorough! I was amazed at all the details gathered--it was everything I'd always wanted in a discovery tool but didn't know where to find such an amazing tool.
Though the next 7 years (prior to being employed by Lansweeper), I was able to introduce Lansweeper into several other environments. Each location where I deployed was full of unknowns--no body knew what was deployed, when, how old, etc... all the unknowns.
And then, at a small college, while using Lansweeper for discovering those lost and forgotten devices, I found a computer found down in a basement, covered with boxes, used once for a one-time weekend event... it was left on, and forgotten about! It was several OS's old and a huge security risk! Lansweeper solidified my position and helped to prove I "knew what I was doing" and could help strengthen the posture of the college--it was a golden (and awful) find. 😉
Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee