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I hope this is the year where we create more opportunities for you to not only resolve technical questions (which remains our number one priority of course!) but hear from peers in similar roles/ sectors. To kick this off, let's talk about where you are in your product journey:

Where did it all begin and how is it going? 

Let us know in the comments below, you never know you might get inspired and/or connect with a new conference buddy!

Lansweeper mascot in gearLansweeper mascot in gear

Engaged Sweeper III

Back in 2006 give or take, I needed a replacement for OCS.  I found Lansweeper.  It was free and/or really cheap for what it did. It was a huge difference in terms of what it provided over my prior inventory software. I had all my tech use it and they loved it. I remember it being like $200 for the year. I've been using Lansweeper and promoting it to other companies as I go along.   I think I'm up to 5 new businesses using Lansweeper because they saw mine in action.  Almost can not live without it.

Champion Sweeper

I'd love to say I 'discovered' Lansweeper, rather than admitting it was more or less forced on me. Not that it was a bad thing, of course. 😉

Basically, I failed retirement, picked up a job with a new organization, the person who looked after our Lansweeper deployment left, and then it was, like, "Here; look after this for us, will you?" Its been a little over a year now, and I'm deep into it. I've learned a lot, mind you, to the point where I've now been tasked with creating an Asset Management policy for the organization! 😑

How did I go about getting myself into this? 😁

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee

Back in April 2017 I had just moved to Illinois from Oregon to be the first out-of-house SysAdmin hired for this one health insurance company. They had a team of contractors in place who had been brought in Lansweeper for ITAM. 

I had been familiar with monitoring and alerting tools which often include some sort of scanning and discovery capabilities. Often, I'd have to resolve all of the unknown asset issues. When I gained access to Lansweeper, I saw that the discovery was thorough! I was amazed at all the details gathered--it was everything I'd always wanted in a discovery tool but didn't know where to find such an amazing tool. 

Though the next 7 years (prior to being employed by Lansweeper), I was able to introduce Lansweeper into several other environments. Each location where I deployed was full of unknowns--no body knew what was deployed, when, how old, etc... all the unknowns.

And then, at a small college, while using Lansweeper for discovering those lost and forgotten devices, I found a computer found down in a basement, covered with boxes, used once for a one-time weekend event... it was left on, and forgotten about! It was several OS's old and a huge security risk! Lansweeper solidified my position and helped to prove I "knew what I was doing" and could help strengthen the posture of the college--it was a golden (and awful) find. 😉 

Tim N.
Lansweeper Employee
Engaged Sweeper

we started using Lansweeper right when i was starting at my company. about 7 yrs ago. We needed better insight into asset inventory/software installed/software licensing. Lansweeper checked all those boxes. As a jack of all IT Trades for my company, lansweeper is one of my most important tools and i use it daily!
We just onboarded to Lansweeper Cloud for the Vulnerability insights and will start to look at OT stuff this year as well. With having a Cyber Security Audit planned later this year, Lansweeper will help me look like a superstar. i try to spend an hour or 2 every friday looking for vulnerabilities i can patch. 

Champion Sweeper III

We started with Lansweeper in the summer of 2018, and it has become our team's go-to place for asset/software information. It's been extremely helpful with asset management, software tracking, and software deployments. 

Currently Away

@gal says "After more then 10 years that I'm  using Lansweeper I don't really remember "