Not picking up user-specific software when the relevant user isn't logged on is currently working as intended. We check the uninstall registry subkeys under hkey_current_user and hkey_local_machine for software scanning. User specific software for the user not currently logged on would be found under hkey_users, which isn't as straightforward to query due to the variable nature of its subkeys. Adding this would hinder the overall scanning performance. We're open to requests though, for easier request tracking though we would recommend you mail in about this to
Thanks for clarifying.
Performance is a legitimate issue but completeness and accuracy are as well. For people who don't install software selectively for different users it's not an issue at all.
When I perform a WMI query for Win32_Product (installed software) it takes roughly 30 secs to complete but it does report all installed software for all users. To me that's a cost I'm willing to bear to have confidence in the results.
Since this is an issue that has valid concerns both ways, I'd recommend making it a configuration option that the user can turn on and off in the Scanned Item Interval screen.
I will email this suggestion to as well.