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Champion Sweeper
I went through and searched for information about clearing out old Network Interface Connection information, and the most recent answer I found here says it isn't possible.

This is kind of a severe issue for me. Currently, the network interfaces list for my wireless access point says it's connected to 3 different ports on a switch!

interfaces list

The switch's management interface shows the correct port connection, but lansweeper is showing ALL of ports used in the past on both the switch AND the WAP. One of our other WAPs has been moved around a number of times and the list is even longer. There's got to be a way to clear out old connection information if an asset is detected on a different port with a more recent timestamp.
Lansweeper Alumni
This can only be resolved by clearing entries in the database from table tblSNMPAssetMac and rescanning the switches. Alternatively, open Assets, filter for the switch to which the AP is connected and completely delete it. Afterwards rescan the IP range of the switch.

View solution in original post

Lansweeper Alumni
Lansweeper remembers assets connected to switch ports. On switch pages you always see the last connected asset on each port (or the last connected MAC address if the asset wasn't scanned). Computer asset pages only list the connection to the last switch they were scanned on. This is intended behavior.

We might consider adding a button to delete connection data or change the format of connections which seem to be outdated. But in general the "Last seen" date next to the connected asset on the switch's network interface table already tells you if that information is recent or not.

@gpburth: You might test ensuring that the new device still is connected to the switch and then hitting Rescan asset on the switch's asset page. In most cases we will at least pull the MAC address which is connected.
Engaged Sweeper II
This is a bit of an issue for me, too.

For example I moved computer "KON2" to a different switch port some weeks ago and replaced it with a device lansweper does not recognize (some strange controller). Normally lansweeper would show the IP address of the device, but since it already "knows" that "KON2" it there it shows "KON2" now to be connected in two ports of the same switch and the other device is not shown.

Manually cleaning "random" database tables is a really really sub-optimal "solution". Better would be a delete button next to the link or a "clear all asset connectins" on the switch page.
Champion Sweeper
I ended up clearing the tblSNMPAssetMac table so I didn't lose any other Asset information that was entered. snmp data is painless to rescan.
Lansweeper Alumni
This can only be resolved by clearing entries in the database from table tblSNMPAssetMac and rescanning the switches. Alternatively, open Assets, filter for the switch to which the AP is connected and completely delete it. Afterwards rescan the IP range of the switch.

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